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無一物 VOID 

inkjet on chinese paper

42cm X 30cm, a set of 46


不是山,不是水。 是山水。 那些有墨色的是山,留白了的是水。在宣紙上的圖案大概是這樣理解的,書上都這麼說......






It is no mountains, nor is it waters. It is what it is. We normally understand patterns on Chinese Xuan paper this way: those areas painted with ink are mountains, while those left blank are water. This is true according to the books too.

It all began with an ordinary piece of blank paper. While Ziyou asked what filial piety was, I asked what a piece of blank paper was. I therefore turned to those wise men who had read countless books before – the 46 photocopiers in the 7 libraries at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I photocopied a piece of blank paper. Using the image resulted, I made yet another photocopy. The same process was repeated until a portrait of ink diffusion gradually appeared on the blank paper, revealing the wise men’s answer. They caught sight of some mountains and water, or felt the classical elegance from the Five Dynasties Period, especially when the outcome was presented on Xuan paper.

Everything is constrained by the delusion of perception and existence. You are constrained by your very perception when you think, and I by my own existence when I made the photocopies.

That is all it is about.

孤高詩 Google’s Poem  

size and length varies





"Google’s Poem" series are produced with Google Cantonese input tool.


Google Cantonese input tool is a product of A.I. and big data. The text in the work reflects the mind of the author, at the same time that of the Cantonese population. 


In the poem in this series, "Pronoun" contains a lot of pronouns in the text. Those pronouns are homonyms, and thus they have the same way to be typed with the input tool. The choices of pronouns and other words to a certain extent are made by the input tool. Those pronouns refer not only to specific individuals, but also to a whole group of people. 


Another poem in this series "china is motha fuckin" seems to be religious. However, the English letters typed to input the Chinese characters are words insulting the political situation in Hong Kong.


video and photo


在香港與深圳邊境的平原河有一個很特別的英文名字,Ganges River,與印度恆河的英文名字相同。這大概是出於一位印度籍測量師的命名。



The river that marks the border between Hong Kong and Shenzhen has a very special English name, Ganges River, which is the same as that of the Ganges River in India. It is said that it was named by an Indian surveyor during Hong Kong’s colonial-era.

To commemorate the nostalgia of this Indian surveyor, I came to the river on August 15, 2016 (Indian National Day) to release a small origami boat made by a copy of the Indian independent newspaper article, fitted with tracking devices, into this “Ganges River of Hong Kong”.

(On December 30, 2015, Li Bo, the manager of a bookstore that sold political insider books of the Chinese Communist Party, was allegedly arrested by Mainland Chinese law enforcement officials illegally in Hong Kong. Pro-government officials later claimed that Li Bo was arrested on an illegal vessel heading Mainland on his way to a brothel.)

14 tunnels

long exposure photography

a set of 14


我們在香港穿過了一條又一條的隧道 從南到北,由東去西,四通八達。 我們一直走,由A點到B點,C點到H點,就這樣一直走,走了再算


We pass through a tunnel and tunnel in Hong Kong, from north to south, east to west, point A to point B, point C to point H. We just keep going and going.

賈炳達道154 Carpenter Road 154

ruins photography

a set of 10


廢棄的意思是物件價值喪失的過程。物件有價值,才有被廢棄的機會。因此「賈炳達道154號」系列攝影作品的著眼點,並非空置單位的現況,而是對此空間過去活動的想像。 賈炳達道154號是一個於2010年被田生地產收購,但因地契問題無法發展而空置至今的唐樓項目。 「賈」系列展示了該座大廈全部十個空置單位的客廳,希望將這些記錄了人群活動及建築特色的空間呈現給觀眾。 拍攝過程中發現的錄音帶、相簿、油畫、甚至武器、吸毒器具等,塑造了作者對各單位過去活動的想像,並載於每張相片的簡介。當你看見這些客廳時,又有什麼想像呢?


performance/prints/Medium-density fibreboard



林一林在《安全渡過林和路》一作中以建築地盤用的磚頭築成一面牆,並一塊一塊的搬運,讓自己安全橫過車來車往的馬路;我則以計劃墊在M+敢探號底下用的木板作踏墊,並一塊一塊的搬運,讓自己橫過籃球四飛的球場。在與學校其他部門磋商如何停泊M+敢探號的語境下,我對 林 的作品有更深刻的體會及詮釋。

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